How can I display Unit Pricing for a product in the Google Shopping Feed?

Unit pricing is a crucial feature that helps consumers compare prices of consumable products easily. Retailers in certain European countries are required to display unit pricing for such products.

Methods for Setting Up Unit Pricing

There are three methods to set up unit pricing for your products in Google Shopping feed:

1. Customization

To manually set up unit pricing through customization, follow these steps:

  1. Product Edit page: Select the product you wish to edit and open it's product edit page
  2. Edit Product Details: On the product edit page, look for the 'Recommended Detail' section.
  3. Enter Unit Pricing Details: Here, you can add the 'Unit Pricing Measure' and 'Unit Pricing Base Measure'. For instance, if you’re selling a 100 ml perfume for $45 and need to display the unit price per milliliter, enter '100 ml' as the unit pricing measure and '1 ml' as the base measure.
  4. Sync to Google Merchant Center: Once entered, these details will be synced to Google Merchant Center, reflecting the unit pricing on your product listing.

2. Metafield

If you prefer using metafields for unit pricing, here’s how you can set it up:

  • Access Metafields Settings: In your Google Shopping Feed app settings, navigate to ‘Metafields’.
  • Create a New Metafield: Select the ‘Shipping Weight’ attribute and create a new metafield. Enter a valid metafield namespace and key from your Shopify settings. This will allow you to define and manage unit pricing directly through the metafield configuration.

3. Shopify’s Shipping Weight

In case you do not wish to setup metafields, you can utilize Shopify’s shipping weight data. For shops in France and Germany, Shopify’s shipping weight is used directly as the unit price and base measure is set according to the category of product. 

Note : For businesses in France and Germany, the unit pricing setup is automated for certain categories, ensuring they meet local rules automatically.