How can we create pixels in a particular business account using Nabu for Facebook Pixel?

Nabu for Facebook Pixel supports the creation of pixels across multiple business accounts during onboarding as well as later in the app

  1. Navigate to the Nabu for Facebook Pixel App, access the home page, and select the "Add Pixel" option.

  2. Log in to your Facebook account and choose the business account in which you wish to create the pixel. A dropdown menu will display all the business accounts linked to your Facebook account.

  3. Select the business account where you want to create the pixel.
  4. Click on "Create New Pixel". A new pixel with your store name will be created without needing to access the Events Manager. 
  5. Click Continue to proceed with tracking events.

Just a little reminder: you can also set this up during the onboarding process, making it even easier to create your new pixel right away.