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  3. Shopify Flow integration in Etsy feed app

Why should I integrate Shopify flow with Nabu for the Etsy Feed app?

Shopify flow can help you automate repetitive tasks. You can also integrate AdNabu's Etsy Feed app to create workflows.

Shopify flow app is used to automate any repetitive tasks and save your time spent on managing the store. To do this you can install and go to the Shopify flow app.

You can integrate the Shopify flow app with AdNabu's Etsy Feed App:

  • Use our opt in Etsy and opt out of Etsy actions to automate and create custom workflows.
  • All your products are by default opted in, and any updates are always pushed to your Etsy shop.
  • If your products are opted out, we will not show these products in your Etsy shop.

Opting out of Etsy when product status is updated from active to draft

You can track the updates based on your product status using Shopify flow. As a store owner, if you wish to opt out of products when their status is updated, for example: from active to draft. Then, you can opt-out of the products from your Etsy shop.

  1. Set a trigger on "product status updated"
  2. Add a condition to check status was updated from active to draft (i.e., old status was active and current status is draft)
  3. Set action from installed app actions, select Nabu for Etsy Feed App, and set your action to "opt-out of Etsy"

Opting in for Etsy when product status is updated from draft to active

When the product's status is updated, for example: from draft to active. Then, you can opt in the products in Etsy shop.

  1. Set a trigger on "product status updated"
  2. Add a condition to check status was updated from draft to active (i.e., old status was draft and current status is active)
  3. Set action from installed app actions, select Nabu for Etsy Feed App, and set your action to "opt-in Etsy"

Opting out of Etsy for low inventory items

You can track inventory changes using Shopify flow. As a store owner, when any product's stock availability is less, you can immediately opt out of Etsy. Additionally, you can send a reminder email to yourself to stock up.

  1. Set a trigger on "inventory quantity changed"
  2. Add a condition, for example: "total inventory is less than 5" 
  3. Set action from installed app actions, select Nabu for Etsy Feed app, and set your action to "opt-out of Etsy"
  4. You can also set multiple actions, for example: send an internal email to yourself for a low-in-stock reminder.

Opting in for Etsy for high inventory items

When any product's stock is updated, you can set a trigger on "inventory quantity changed" and immediately opt in the products for your Etsy shop.

  1. Set a trigger on "inventory quantity changed"
  2. Add a condition, for example: "total inventory is greater than 5" 
  3. Set action from installed app actions, select Nabu for Etsy feed app and set your action to "opt-in Etsy"

Opting out of Etsy if the price is less than any value

You can track the newly added products using Shopify flow. As a store owner, if you do not wish to show products on Etsy that are less than a certain price value, for example: 25. Then, you can opt-out the products from your Etsy shop.

  1. Set a trigger on "product added to store"
  2. Add a condition, for example: "amount is less than 25"
  3. Set action from installed app actions, select Nabu for Etsy Feed app, and set your action to "opt-out of Etsy"

Opting in for Etsy if the price is greater than any value

When any new product is added to the store, and you wish to only add products whose price is greater than a certain value, for example, 25. Then, opt in for the products for Etsy.

  1. Set a trigger on "product added to store"
  2. Add a condition, for example: "amount is greater than 25"
  3. Set action from installed app actions, select Nabu for Etsy Feed app and set your action to "opt-out of Etsy"

Opting out of Etsy based on some keywords in the product description

When any new product is added to the store. Then, you can opt out of some products based on the keywords in the product description.

  1. Set a trigger on "product added to store"
  2. Add a condition, for example: "description includes footwear"
  3. Set action from installed app actions, select Nabu for Etsy Feed app, and set your action to "opt-out of Etsy"

Opt-in for Etsy based on some keywords in the product description

When any new product is added to the store. Then, you can opt for some products based on the keywords in the product description.

  1. Set a trigger on "product added to store"
  2. Add a condition, for example: "description includes toys"
  3. Set action from installed app actions, select Nabu for Etsy Feed app, and set your action to "opt-in Etsy"

Learn more about how to integrate Shopify flow in Nabu for Etsy Feed app.